Get ready for your visit to Lice Clinics of Pennsylvania!
Knowing how to prepare for your visit is important. Here are a couple quick steps to follow before coming in for your appointment.

1. Wash Hair
Clean, dry hair is needed to perform the treatment. Please DO NOT arrive with wet hair or apply any oil based products to the hair (mayonnaise, olive or vegetable oil, OTC products). Products in the hair may prevent us from being able to perform an effective treatment.

2. Brush Hair
Brush or comb hair free of tangles. This will make treatment move faster. Intense matting can occasionally mean no treatment. If we cannot get a comb through the hair, we cannot complete our full service treatment.

4. Bring
- Family Members: We need to check everyone who lives in your house to reduce the risk of re-infestation and to activate your 30 day re-treatment policy.
- Old Clothes: Our oil rinse can leave grease stains on clothes, so wear an old shirt if possible.
- Towel: Some families bring towels to protect their car seats on the ride home.
- Technology or reading material: Your child may be sitting in a chair for close to an hour. A book or an electronic device can be a helpful distraction while getting treated.