Tips for Choosing a Head Lice Professional
There once was a time when do it yourself lice treatments were worth all the hassle and could really save the day. Our world has advanced though, and along with it so have the head lice and ways of ridding them. The influx of super lice across the world has made DIY options nearly obsolete.…
Read MoreThe Not So Scary Facts on Head Lice
It’s that spooky time of year again, Halloween decorations have begun to decorate the stores and houses, and children are busy picking out their costumes. Here at LCA Philly we are preparing for the fall and the frightened parents. Head Lice has been known to be one of parents’ worst nightmares when it comes to…
Read MoreThe Hidden Costs of At-Home Lice Treatments
At first glance, it may seem less expensive to purchase an at-home over the counter lice medication or shampoo for your child, rather than spending money on professional treatments from lice treatment services. However, many parents are surprised when they realize that OTC bottles of lice treatments are not cheap ($25-45 for one treatment) and…
Read MoreBack To School Head Lice Prevention
Back to school can often mean back to head lice as kiddies and teens gather together in tight spaces, and roll around on play grounds, with their friends after the long summer holiday. School facilities can be a breading ground for head lice with all the close contact and the large number of hosts for…
Read MoreThe Search is Over! End the Lice-Mare Today!
It’s no secret that ridding your family of head lice can be stressful and time-consuming—a nightmare that some have called a “lice-mare.” Most do-it-yourself lice treatments require repeated applications, tedious comb-outs, and nitpicking, with no guarantee of success. If one nit is missed, the lice will return. Lice Clinics of America Philly offers an immediate,…
Read MoreDoes Chlorine Kill Lice?
Does Chlorine Kill Lice? With another school year over, parents and children are excited to join in the summer fun! Parents, however, often begin to wonder more about how their child’s many summer activities can affect their risk for head lice. In fact, with the arrival of summer, we often come across many parents who…
Read MoreWhat Are Super Lice?
If you’ve dealt with lice lately or are dealing with a head lice problem then I’m sure you’ve heard the term super lice. There seems to be a lot of confusion around these tiny creatures though and exactly what makes them super. Are they bigger than regular lice? Are super lice a totally different type…
Read MoreHairstyles to Help Prevent Head Lice
Head lice is most easily spread through head to head contact, in fact over 90% of lice infestations result from direct contact. Keeping your hair up high and tight can be one of the best ways to prevent head lice. Head to head or hair to hair contact is the most common way lice is…
Read MoreHow to Avoid Head Lice at Summer Camp
How To Avoid Head Lice At Summer Camp Spring is well under way and summer is fast approaching, with the end of the school year nearing summer camp plans are at the fore front. Finding the perfect summer camp for your child can help them gain confidence, build friendships, and establish independence. Camp can be…
Read MoreThe Hidden Costs of DIY Lice Treatments
Professional lice treatments can be expensive and are often thought to be the most expensive option for taking care of yours and your families head lice. Professional remedies can often be the cheaper and more effective option though compared to DIY, or home remedy, options. Home remedies also bring safety risks, chemical exposure, and a…
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