Back To School Head Lice Prevention
Back to school can often mean back to head lice as kiddies and teens gather together in tight spaces, and roll around on play grounds, with their friends after the long summer holiday. School facilities can be a breading ground for head lice with all the close contact and the large number of hosts for them to move through, sending your child back to school can be a nightmare on the head lice front! Lice clinics across the U.S. will soon see their busiest days over the next few months as schools resume, but with the right prevention efforts can help you keep your students lice free and start the new school year off without a hitch!
1. Educate Yourself and Your Family
There are a lot head lice myths out there today but it’s important to know what is and isn’t true and what will and won’t treat lice. One of the biggest lice myths is that they can jump or hop head to head but in fact lice can not jump and crawl from surface to surface. Lice can also only survive a short period without a host but it is still important not to share accessories such as hair brushes, hats, or hoodies in case the lice are still alive. See the link on our page for more common lice myths and facts and be sure to educate yourself with your schools lice policy.
It is also important to know what works when removing lice. Be wary of DIY treatments as some can be harmful to your skin and health and always consult a lice expert or doctor for the right treatment. At Lice Clinics of America we use proper lice screenings and our state of the art AirAlle treatment to remove lice using heat and no harmful, harsh chemicals.
2. Check Your Family Frequently
The sooner head lice is found the easier it is to treat, whether you preform self checks or come into a clinic for a professional check. Occasional checks of your family are good way to ensure everything is healthy, but during an outbreak in your area it is recommended to check weekly or even daily depending the outbreaks severity and your family’s proximity to the infestation.
Some common signs of head lice include an itchy scalp, redness or rash on the neckline, shoulder, and/or ears, tan or white specks that may resemble dandruff, and the bugs themselves. It is easiest to check hair while it is damp, just after washing, using a comb and bright light. If you are uncertain our technicians are specially trained experts and here to help, they are happy to do a lice screening for you and ensure the best quality care for your family.
3. Keep Hair Up & Out of the Way
Perhaps the best way to avoid lice besides not sharing items is to simply keep hair from coming in contact with the lice. One of the best ways to do this is to keep hair pulled up in a tight and back hairstyle. Styles such as braids and buns offer the best options for those with long hair, pony tails can also be effective but still allow hair to be loose at the ends. For those with short hair covering it with one of your own clean hats is a perfect way to keep your hair out of harms way. When hats can not be worn just be sure to remind children of the importance of boundaries and keeping their head up.
Back to school is an exciting time for the whole family and Lice Clinics of America would like to help keep it that way!
If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – Philadelphia with clinics in Conshohocken, Chadds Ford, & Downingtown, Pennsylvania, we are proudly serving Chadds Ford, Chester County, Montgomery County, and all surrounding areas! Our heated removal process is the only guaranteed way to remove head lice in 1 quick, easy, and safe treatment, so your kids and family members can get back to the things they enjoy. Call us today to schedule an appointment at Conshohocken (610) 222-6149 or Chadds Ford (215) 608-0443 or Downingtown (484) 870-9198!