Helpful Tips on How to Prevent Lice & Eggs
According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), there are an estimated 6-12 million lice infestations each year in the United States among children 3 to 11 years old. Lice can occur in school-aged children and adults too! It is important when a lice infestation happens in a household that all family members get checked so it can try to be eradicated the first time. Below are some helpful tips on how to prevent head lice from happening:
- Don’t share items that touch the head, like combs, brushes, towels or other hair accessories, especially for school-aged children.
- Try to avoid any activities that can lead to head-to-head contact.
- Keep belongings, especially head related gear away from shared areas like coat closets.
- Utilize routine head checks with family members to ensure an early detection if lice infestation occurs.
- Do not share hats or scarves, wash and disinfect often.
- If lice are active around a school, tie hair into ponytails or braids for school.
If lice infestations do occur, make sure to disinfect everything that can be cleaned, and do thorough head checks often. If you have any questions or need a head lice removal treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us. At Lice Clinics of America – Philly with clinics in Conshohocken & Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania, we are here to help! Our heated removal process is the only guaranteed way to remove head lice in 1 quick, easy, and safe treatment, so your kids and family members can get back to the things they enjoy. Call us today to schedule an appointment at Conshohocken (610) 222-6149 or Garnet Valley (215) 608-0443!